What is this book about?
Meshi Agare is a Touken Ranbu comics fanzine themed around food. Each artist will get to pick a recipe, illustrate it and draw a short comic, using their dish of choice as a prompt for their piece. The result will be halfway between an anthology and a cookbook!

How will the book be printed?
The book will be printed in A5 size and in black and white. Therefore, the submissions don’t have to be in color.

How many pages of comics will artists get to draw?
Every artist will have to illustrate the dish they pick for the Recipe page, and to draw a short comic (of either 1, 3 or 5 pages). Comics pages can be in any layout, including 4koma. The reading order is left to right.

Here is a (very rough) visual example of what we're planning to do:

To clear things up, the comic doesn't have to feature characters cooking the recipe. It can be about anything, as long as your dish of choice is somewhere in there and is connected, even if loosely, to the story you want to narrate.

How are artists selected?
Part of the contributors for this project has been chosen via invitation, but there will be an Open Applications period to pick another 10 people and pitch hitters to add to our roster.

Can an artist and writer apply together?
Of course! Just note that your share of the eventual profit coming from this book will be split evenly among the two of you.

Do we have to write the recipe ourselves?
Yes, however, we’re not looking for something too complex. The mods will help with researching info and we will provide a template for the Recipe Page.

Do we have to pick a Japanese recipe?
Not necessarily, however, considering the strong cultural aspect of Touken Ranbu as franchise, we hope there will be a considerable amount of Japanese recipes in the final book. However, since our intention is to give the artists freedom and encourage creativity with their pieces, a recipe of any origin can be chosen without problems.

What is the rating of the book? Are ships allowed?
The rating of the book will be Gen (All Audiences). Regarding ships, since this project is meant for everyone, we would prefer to avoid having the stories to be focused around romantic relationships. However, you can include some shippy content if it’s lowkey or just hinted at. Also, plantonic demonstrations of affection are absolutely fine (and you can always ask the mods to be sure).

When is the final deadline for this project?
Because this project requires a little bit more investment compared to most zines, the final deadline will be in January 2019.

How will artists be compensated?
Once production and shipping costs are covered, any extra profits from this book are going to be split among the artists. Even if we cannot guarantee a compensation, all of the artist will receive a copy of the book, and if possible, any eventual merchandise included in the bundle.

Last but not last, who is organizing the zine?
Duckie and Nabashi, at your service!

( Made with Carrd )